Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Lindy- aka: Slow Jo

This is Lindy and Sarah at Sarah's first horseshow!
I was about 5 or 6 years old in this picture. Lindy was the perfect horse for any determined young equestrian. She was like a millions years old and had her own opinion of what she would do.
My sister rode Ahab at the time I rode Lindy. Lindy would follow Ahab everywhere, even when I didn't want her to! I would ask my sister to ride to various places so that Lindy would follow him there!
If you look at this picture, my helmet is too big! We had to stuff it so it wouldn't flop around!
I also called Linday Slow Jo, because the Olympian track athlete Flow Jo was my role model at this time, and Lindy was anything but fast, so we called her Slow Jo!


Steve said...

I look forward to all of your posts. The endless stream of beautiful horses and photos make the site a joy to visit. You were in the saddle at an early age.

Roger said...

Wow, you've been on those hoofed types a long time! Sure beats the internal combustion engine.

Carolyn Fields said...

The first time I rode a horse, Peggy's Rojo was her name, she got spooked by something (I have no idea what) and threw me off into the only mud puddle in my father's 3 acre back pasture... Ugh! I was 13. Perhaps my dad should have started me earlier and then I might have your passion.